Is it coincidental that God named every person included in the rest? Sons and daughters, servants and animals, guests and visitors; we all need this. My neglect of the Sabbath doesn’t just affect me but my entire household, my extended community. The pace we keep has jeopardized our health and happiness, our worship and rhythms. We belong to a culture that can’t catch its breath; rather, we refuse to catch our breath. God doesn’t pull any punches here: The Sabbath is holy. Not lazy, not selfish, not unproductive; not helpful, not optional, not just a good idea. Holy. Like God demonstrated in Exodus 16, He’ll provide for daily needs, but on the sixth day He’ll rain down a double portion to store up for the Sabbath, covering our needs while we rest. The only day a double collection wouldn’t spoil by dawn’s light was the Sabbath; God made a way. (Kindle location 4772).
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess
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