David McIntyre's classic work, The Hidden Life of Prayer motivates Christians to develop a deep and meaningful life of prayer. From the book:
He who has a pure heart will never cease to pray, and he who will be constant in prayer shall know what it is to have a pure heart (Kindle location 51)
The equipment for the inner life of prayer is simple, if not always easily secured. It consists particularly of a quiet place, a quiet hour, and a quiet heart. (Kindle location 184)
Our realization of the presence of God may, however, be accompanied with little or no emotion. Our spirits may lie as if dead under the hand of God. Vision and rapture may alike be withdrawn. But we ought not therefore to grow sluggish in prayer. So far from interupting the exercise at such times, we ought to redouble our energy. And it may be that the prayer which goes up through darkness to God will bring to us a blessing such as we have not received in our most favored hours. (Kindle location 339)
Hidden Life of Prayer, The: The Life-blood of the Christian
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